
I’m Tracy Pierce, owner of Thrive Creative, a full service graphic design company in Cleveland, Ohio with a real passion for creating beautiful work that not only inspires - it gets results.

In 2008, after nearly twenty years in the graphic arts field, I established Thrive as a one stop graphic design resource for advertising agencies, marketing companies, and really anyone who seeks a designer with big-agency experience and an independent, entrepreneurial spirit. Not only do I offer an impressive extensive set of skills, I'm passionate about your project. 

Everything we see in our world is designed – whether its natural or manufactured. The best designs can grab attention, cause someone to think or react in a positive way, and lend an aesthetically pleasing aura to, well…just about anything! Your business is no exception, and stellar design can mean the difference between a company that treads water and a company that thrives! 

For more information on Thrive Creative, graphic design services, or to discuss a project you have in mind, contact Tracy Pierce.

By the way, I love what I do!